ADEA 2017 Triennale Online Consultation


“Revitalizing Education towards the 2030 Global Agenda and the Africa’s Agenda 2063”

15th - 17th March 2017, Marrakesh, Kingdom of Morocco

Online Consultation on matters proposed for the Agenda Discussions

This consultation is part of the discussion in the preparatory process leading to the ADEA 2017 Triennale. It targets government Ministers and ministry technical staff, development partners, teachers, experts, the academia, the youth and students, parents, civil society and the private sector without excluding any education-related stakeholder in Africa.

The aim is to promote ownership of the Triennale objectives and approach; better appreciate the knowledge, experiences and innovations of the diversity of education stakeholders that can concretely contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 and the education goals relating to Africa’s Agenda the 2063; identify any relevant  contributions for the preparatory analytical work towards the Triennale; and solicit strong participation and commitment to Africa’s education transformation.

Respondents are encouraged to answer questions for which they feel they can make useful contributions.

The consultation started on 30 May 2016 and will end on 24 November 2016. The deadline for the submissions is 15 October 2016.

If you have any problems, please email us at