New African network of early childhood development

The African Network of Community Actors for Early Childhood Development has been launched. It was established during the African Meeting for Early Childhood Development, organized for the first time on 27-30 November 2012, in Cotonou, Benin.

Participants agreed on the guidelines for the network’s short term activities and convened a meeting in Paris in January 2013 to finalize their strategies. This meeting was organized by several actors in the field of Early Childhood Education, such as the ADEA, UNESCO's Regional Office in Dakar, and the Education for All Network in Africa (REPTA). 

It brought together 80 participants from seven West and Central African countries. Participants agreed on the guidelines for the network’s short term activities and convened a meeting in Paris in January 2013 to finalize their strategies. 

A new arena for dialogue 

The participants addressed the major issues related to Education for All objective 1 on Early Childhood Care and Education, while engaging in a fruitful political dialogue that benefited from their various backgrounds and experiences. 

They paid special attention to the community approach and agreed on the urgent need to strengthen the capacities of base communities, which play a crucial role in early childhood care and education.

Appalling situation in Africa

The first eight years of a child’s life are decisive for human development. Yet statistics on early childhood in Africa are appalling.

Less than 12% of African children currently have access to Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) services.

The importance of developing this area was highlighted during the recent Education for All meeting for sub-Saharan Africa, organized in Johannesburg (South Africa) in October 2012. 

 Link: Early Childhood Care and Education at the UNESCO Office in Dakar

For further information, please contact Rokhaya Diawara, coordinator of the Working Group on Early Childhood Development (WGECD),