TFEMPS Activities
Archives 2012
COMEDAF V reporting – Harare staff undertake training on report writing (January-March)
As part of the preparation for the production of continental and regional economic community reports on education for the meeting of the Conference of Ministers of Education of the African Union (COMEDAF V) set for April 2012, the working group’s Harare team, comprising four professional staff members and four interns, have participated in one-day English writing workshops every month since January. The long term objective is to provide a quantum shift in the understanding of staff on how to produce clear and concise policy reports.
Labour Market Information Systems Meeting – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (20-21 March)
The working group participated at a meeting on “Advocacy and exchange on technical documents and mobilization of resources for labour market information system (LMIS)”, held in Addis Ababa. The purpose of the meeting was to refine the draft plan of action for linking technical and vocational education with employment and to develop a list of indicators in labour and social affairs that relate to employment. Stakeholders included representatives from the African Union, AFRISTAT and the African Capacity Building Foundation. The ADEA working group will assist in developing the set of indicators.
IICBA Workshop on Teacher Education Policy Programme – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (20-21 March)
The objective of the two-day workshop was to bring together knowledgeable colleagues from within UNESCO and other partner institutions in order to discuss the organization, content, modality, funding and accreditation issues of the programme. It is expected that, based on the outcome of the meeting, I!CBA will have a comprehensive list of topics and content outlines to be passed on to module writers who will produce the course. The seminar attracted experts from various partner organisations, including IIEP, Commonwealth, AU HSRT, ADEA WGEMPS, India/Africa Institute of Education Policy, PACT, TISSA and the University of Stockholm, among others.
Annual European Union Visitors Programme (EUVP) – Brussels, Belgium ( 05-09 March)
An intern from ADEA/WGEMPS participated in this EU Visitors programme to learn more about the operations of the Union. During the week-long visit, she held information exchange meetings with representatives from the Committee of the Regions, Development and Cooperation Office (DEVCO), European External Action Service, Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency, Africa Caribbean Partnership, Education International and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. The intern distributed the Working Group’s publications, thereby extending ADEA’s network as the group is now part of the growing readership of WGEMPS newsletter.
Contact: Chemwi Mutiwanyuka,
2012 ADEA Triennale – Outcomes to be presented at next AU Summit (12-17 February)
This important international event was organized by ADEA and the government of Burkina Faso. It took place in Ouagadougou, with the main goal of building a critical mass of human capital, including: (i) citizens capable of bringing about the social, cultural and political changes required for Africa’s sustainable development; (ii) workers with skills that raise productivity and boost economic growth; and (iii) a highly qualified human resource that contributes to the production of scientific knowledge and technological innovation and to the development of globally competitive knowledge-based societies. Three Heads of State from Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Niger – and the Minister of Education who represented the President of Rwanda – graced the event where over 1000 participants from other countries across the world engaged in discussions throughout the five days. To ensure that the Triennale’s results and recommendations bear fruit, 60 per cent of the ADEA Secretariat's – and working groups' – activities for 2012 are devoted to following up the implementation process. ADEA is also relying on the strong determination and commitment shown by the Heads of State present in Ouagadougou to support the follow-up through their political leadership. The Triennale outcomes will be presented to the next summit of the African Union Heads of State in July 2012. ADEA is counting on the support of all stakeholders in education and training – youth, the private sector, civil society organizations, the regional economic communities, the Diaspora, ADEA’s member cooperation and development agencies, UNESCO, Confemen and many other partners – to embrace the paradigm shift of an integrated and holistic education and training in making the follow up a success.
Contact: Shem Bodo,
Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education Statistics Advocacy Workshop – Harare (7 February)
This Ministry-organised one day workshop, whose main goal was to receive feedback and review the three higher and tertiary education questionnaires for universities, polytechnics and teachers colleges, identified some items to be included in the annual questionnaires. Participants also appreciated why the collection of statistics is important and how the process, together with that of storage, can be done more effectively. The Ministry presented the findings of the institutional records keeping and management study – which the working group facilitated and funded – in the form of a Draft Tertiary Assessment Report. A presentation on Higher Education Indicators was made by a staff member from ADEA. In attendance were senior officials from the Ministry, two representatives from each teachers college, polytechnic and university, representatives from UNESCO and the ADEA working group.