Entrepreneurship Education in Post-Primary Education and Training: Case Study from Botswana
The purpose of the case study is to identify ways in which governments andother stakeholders may contribute to successful entrepreneurship education.The main objective is to determine whether a particular emphasis and effortin the preparation of institutions that deliver entrepreneurship education has apositive effect on training outcomes.Although the focus is on the Botswana Technical Education Program (BTEP),the study also includes the introduction of entrepreneurship education in postprimarygeneral education. The inclusion of entrepreneurship education in bothgeneral education and TVET is guided by well-articulated policy frameworks,namely the Revised National Policy on Education (1994) and the NationalPolicy on Vocational Education and Training (1997).A tracer study of 2007 follows students who have not yet completed. Findingsindicate that access has improved, and that female participation is higher than??for most other training providers. Although graduates criticized the program,more than half said they would recommend it to their friends. Regarding employability,a majority of the respondents are unemployed or economicallyinactive, for the perceived reasons that a) industries do not recognize BTEP; b)there are few jobs in their area of training; c) there is high unemployment; andd) employers are looking for graduates with higher qualifications