Review of the State of the Art on Post-Primary Education and Training (PPET) in Eastern and Southern Africa
This synthesis report presents findings on the state-of-the-art of Post Primary Education and Training (PPET) in selected countries located in Eastern and Southern Africa sub-regions. The report is informed by the review of reports of research based reports and reports produced by ministries of edu-cation. The review was on curriculum and assessment in Post Primary Education and Technical and Vocational Education (TVET). The study whose findings are reported here was to identify research work that has been undertaken across the Eastern and Southern Africa sub-regions with special focus on curriculum and assessment in Post Primary Education. It was to examine and assess the manner and theextent to which research output has been taken up and utilized by policy-makersto reform the secondary education sub-sector, analyze how curriculum can be related to the socio-economic realities, profiles and expectations as well as how it can be adjusted such that it is strongly linked to the world of work. The review results are presented under the two sub-headings namely; curriculum and assessment. The review has revealed that, among others: a) research findings atnational, regional and international levels are consistent; b) curriculum reformis very slow, c) teachers lack knowledge and skills to implement innovations;d) inadequate financial resource affect the extent to which governments canfully implement curriculum change