National and cross-border articulation between secondary and higher education in Kenya
The recent and rising increase in enrolment at the primary school level sincethe introduction of the FPE in 2003 has led to a corresponding and significantrise in enrolment rates at the secondary school level. This has translated into anincreased demand for higher education in the country. The demand for highereducation is driven by the realization that this level of education forms theprincipal pillar of development. The current development agenda in Kenya isinspired by the realization that there are many available options and avenuesvia which the goals of industrialization and socioeco-nomic development can?be achieved. Higher education will play the strategic role in the process. It istherefore necessary to explore and understand the nature of linkages whichexist between upper-secondary and higher education levels in terms of access,equity, relevance, financing, curriculum, quality and articulation to the jobmarket. This study has examined the evolving trends and what they portendfor the development of higher education and life long learning in Kenya. Ithas critically analyzed the articulation routes, delved into the quality aspect,the sustainability of the various initiatives, and identified the lessons learnt forpossible best practices. The study previews the sustainability of the articulationpathways in the face of the expected surge in demand for higher education inthe short and long term in Kenya. The study concludes that the recent initiativesto reform the upper secondary curriculum, to open up university access via theSSP route, to reconfigure student financing, to provide for the establishment ofprivate universities and for admission of more female students have had positiveimpacts, and are sustainable