Pathways for post-secondary education - the Singapore system
Singapore was a participant in a ""Six-Nation Education Research Project(SNERP), initiated by the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania,USA in 1996. The broader goal was to examine and explore the relationshipsbetween education systems and the economies in the six countries. Thesix countries were China, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland and USA.Among the various educational projects was one on Vocational Training andEducation (VTE), led by Switzerland.Four countries took part in this VTE Project. Dr S.S. Law, who was then the Directorand Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Technical Education (ITE),represented ITE as the Singapore member of the research team. Conducted on apart-time basis over four years (1996-2000) and across four countries, the teamadopted a qualitative ethnographic approach in its methodology and pursuingthe underlying question on ""How can participating countries learn from eachother's experiences in order to understand the differences and similarities amongthe VTE systems in each country?""?In this presentation, Dr. Law will be sharing his insights and observations withrespect to the qualitative research methodology, lessons from Singapore's perspectivesand personal learning points