Processes, Approaches and Pedagogies in Literacy Programs - Case study on the experience of the Institute for Popular Education (IEP) in Mali

This study presents the potential of the evolving process of literacy training in the context of democratization and decentralization that has characterized educational reform movements in Africa since the 1990s. Taking the experience of Mali and the Institut pour l'Éducation Populaire (IEP) as the case in point, it describes the changes occurring in the forms of education through a ""language of possibility"" that emerges when the working principles of formal and non-formal education come to resemble one another. Considering that the participation of the populace is both the means to and the end of development, the study points to the deficiencies in the current supply of education and proposes a ""people's intergenerational"" form of education that can revitalize existing forms

Informations générales
More and Better Education:Wht makes effective learning in schools, in literacy and ECD programs?
Numéro de série: 
Session A2
Format de document: 
Type de document: 
Activités de l'ADEA: 
Thèmes Thèmes: 
Subject (Meeting): 
Effective and Promising Programs
Date de parution: 
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