Gender issues in post-primary education in Africa
Despite rising enrolments in Africa, gender parity has not yet been attained.The constraints on girls' education are due to both the internal workings of educational systems and their socio-cultural environments. When it comes to post-primary education, girls are often victims of tradition as well as economics, and secondary education is dominated by a general academic curriculum which does not prepare secondary school leavers for the labor market. Qualified female teachers, who can serve as role models for girls and in a more equitable school environment, are rare in rural areas .New competencies are needed for women to improve their participation in development, and the training needs to be professionalized. The teaching and learning of equality must be promoted at the community level, and information and social mobilization can support gender equitable secondary education. Measures to enhance opportunities for girls could include boarding facilities for girls where necessary, protective legislation, the promotion of female role models, tutoring and mentorship, inter-scholastic competitions for girls, community centers for girls and women etc. Existing innovations need to be monitored and adjusted as necessary. Finally there are lessons to be learned from many countries and organizations regarding the improve-ment of post-primary education in terms of access, outcomes and external efficiency - one can cite OECD country initiatives, FAWEand countless girls' education projects