Conférence inaugurale 2015 de l'Institut pour le développement humain

12 Février 2015 - 14 Février 2015

"​Investir dans le développement de la petite enfance pour un monde meilleur"

Une conférence interdisciplinaire pour les chercheurs, les praticiens, les décideurs, les concepteurs de programmes, les étudiants, les agences gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, la société civile et les dirigeants.

CONFERENCE REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JANUARY 31, 2015. Space is limited so please register promptly.

  • Learn about the science informing interventions in health, nutrition, psychological development, education, and child welfare in the earliest years of life. 
  • Be part of discussions on creative solutions to challenges faced by young children in our part of the world. 
  • Exchange ideas about the design, delivery, and evaluation of programmes and services for young children. 
  • Expand your perspectives on forms of knowledge and research necessary to design locally relevant programmes. 
  • Meet and network with professionals who share your interests in issues affecting early child development. 
  • Hear from private foundations championing children’s causes globally about their programmes and priorities. 


  • Dr. Robert Armstrong, Aga Khan University 
  • Dr. Caroline Arnold, Aga Khan Foundation
  • Dr. Zulfiqar Bhutta, Aga Khan University & University of Toronto 
  • Dr. Alan Bocking, University of Toronto 
  • Dr. Barbara Fallon, Fraser Mustard Institute of Human Development, University of Toronto 
  • Dr. Anil Khamis, University College London-Institute of Education 
  • Dr. Stephen Lye, Fraser Mustard Institute of Human Development, University of Toronto 
  • Stephen Matthews, Fraser Mustard Institute of Human Development, University of Toronto 
  • Dr. Nuruddin Mohammed, Aga Khan University 
  • Dr. Azim Nanji, Aga Khan University 
  • Dr. Alan Pence, University of Victoria 
  • Dr. Linda Richter, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa 
  • Dr. Robert Serpell, University of Zambia 
  • ​Dr. Karlee Silver, Grand Challenges Canada 
  • Dr. Susan Walker, University of the West Indies, Jamaica 
  • Dr. Aisha Yousafzai, Aga Khan University


  • Advances in metrics for child development 
  • Development and use of child assessment test in African contexts 
  • AKU Early Child Development Projects funded by the Canadian Government and Conrad N. Hilton Foundation


Our children carry in their hands our future and our hope for a pluralistic, peaceful, harmonious, life-enriching world; we better invest to build a strong foundation to support them, or there is no future to talk about. 

~​ IHD Director Kofi Marfo


​​​This conference has been made possible by a major grant from Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development supporting institutional capacity-building for research on early human development.​