ADEA Biennale, 2006
The policy discourse of Lifelong Learning was introduced in the international scene in the seventies with the Faure Report issued by UNESCO in 1972. Since then, the discourse of lifelong learning has been interpreted in different ways Briefly...
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Conference paper
This paper explores the extent to which the varied literacy provisions in Uganda are offering a holistic lifelong learning perspective examining (i) the program structure and its link to continuing education, (ii) the current methodology and its...
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Conference paper
The Jomtien conference in 1990 confirmed a break-up of the ""monopoly"" position of formal education by granting an increasingly important role to non-formal education. Fifteen years later, however, questions still remain...
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Conference paper
This study examines the ""faire-faire"" strategy in the field of literacy training, now employed in a number of African countries after being launched in Senegal. It analyzes both the concept, placing it in a context of emergence...
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Conference paper
In light of several political declarations, charters, and plans of action, it is clear that African governments do recognize the need to promote African languages for literacy, education, and development. However, lack of political will has...
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Conference paper
IThis study discusses different modes of building capacity for literacy/non-formal education and focuses specifically on the roles and functions of the educators in the countries under examination (South Africa, Botswana and Namibia). The...
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Conference paper
This case study recounts the creation of the Fund for Literacy Training and Non-Formal Education (FONAENF) in Burkina Faso in 2002. The purpose of the fund, which relies on the ""faire faire"" strategy, is to collect and manage...
Document format
Conference paper
This is a situational study of literacy education provision in four sub-Saharan African countries (Kenya, Uganda, South Africa and Botswana) that focuses on the decentralization of programme management (particularly in relation to policies,...
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Conference paper
The project to support vocational training for the newly literate, initiated in August 2004 in Senegal with the Paul Gérin-Lajoie Foundation as the implementing agency, is testing an apprenticeship-based approach to training, with shorter-term...
Document format
Conference paper
This study presents the potential of the evolving process of literacy training in the context of democratization and decentralization that has characterized educational reform movements in Africa since the 1990s. Taking the experience of Mali and...
Document format
Conference paper