Preparation of the Education Sector Development Program in Ethiopia
The Education Sector Development Program in Ethiopia (ESDP) is the first five year phase of a 20 year Sector Wide Approach (SWAP) aimed at increasing access, improving quality, increasing effectiveness, achieving equity and expanding finance at all levels of education in Ethiopia. This involved preparation of processes and plans by Ethiopian authorities and agencies, with assistance and advice provided (but not controlled) by a number of donor agencies.This report records the results of the ESDP self-assessment by those who were most closely involved in the process. The study provided all participants-Ethiopia stakeholders, donor representatives and consultants-with an opportunity to reflect and contribute their views on the design and preparation of the ESDP. The aims of the study are to: document the preparation process of ESDP; identify those conditions special to the Ethiopian experience and those which might apply more generally; identify and reflect on the benefits of this approach in Ethiopia; identify and reflect on unresolved issues or problematic areas arising from the ESDP preparation process; and draw lessons and principles that might be valuable for future development of the ESDP in Ethiopia, or other sector development programs elsewhere., eng