WGESA Archived Publications

Initiating and Conducting an Experimental Peer Review Exercise in Education in Africa: Mauritius, Gabon, Nigeria
The Peer Review report on educational reforms in Mauritius, 2000-2005, assesses the implementation of initiatives undertaken in the fi elds of access, relevance and achievement. The review, which was conducted by an international team of experts from six African countries and the OECD provides recommendations toward (i) addressing the policy environment; (ii) tackling fundamental policy issues; and (iii) fi ne-tuning ongoing initiatives. The recommendations, which cover pre-primary to tertiary education, include re-examining the policy of automatic promotion, language of instruction, tutoring, the CEP (certifi cate d’études primaire), pre-vocational education and other issues. It also recommends bringing tertiary education to the core of the reform process and developing a comprehensive master plan in secondary education with shared responsibility between private and public providers of education. Working Group on Education Sector Analysis, 2006. Available in electronic format on CD Rom.

Initiating and Conducting an Experimental Peer Review Exercise in Education in Africa: Mauritius 2000-2005 Educational Reform
Working Group on Education Sector Analysis, 2006. An electronic version exists on CD Rom
The Peer Review report on educational reforms in Mauritius, 2000-2005, assesses the implementation of initiatives undertaken in the fields of access, relevance and achievement. The review, which was conducted by an international team of experts from six African countries and the OECD provides recommendations toward (i) addressing the policy environment; (ii) tackling fundamental policy issues; and (iii) fine-tuning ongoing initiatives. The recommendations, which cover pre-primary to tertiary education, include re-examining the policy of automatic promotion, language of instruction, tutoring, the CEP (certificate d'études primaire), pre-vocational education and other issues. It also recommends to bring tertiary education to the core of the reform process and develop a comprehensive master plan in secondary education with shared responsibility between private and public providers of education.

Explorations on the applicability For Africa of the OECD Peer Reviews of national policies for education by Richard Sack

Partnerships between Ministries of Education and International Funding and Technical Assistance Agencies: The case of Mozambique by Tuomas Takala, with Mmantsetsa Marope
The aim of this study is to describe and analyze the partnership process and SWAp in Mozambique. It addresses the question of agencies’ weaknesses and commitments and the implications of this for the Ministry of Education. Based on the realities observed, the authors attempt to draw up a typology of agency behavior and actions according to criteria of technical competence and commitment level. The Mozambique experience can serve as a relevant experience to other agencies and ministries of education where there is a SWAp process.

Review of Education Sector Analysis in Mozambique, 1990-1998 by M·rio, Mouzinho; Buendia, Miguel; Kouwenhoven, Wim; Alberto, Adalberto and Waddington, Clotilde.
ADEA Working Group on Education Sector Analysis, 2001. ISBN: 92-9178-032-4. Also exists in French.
This review provides summarized analyses for a total of 99 studies, of which 45 were reviewed in depth. It was conducted by a team of university researchers as a contribution to the nation's National Education Sector Strategy (1999-2003). The interviews with a wide range of national and international actors help to deepen understanding of the process of policy formation and the role of sector studies in Mozambique.

Review of Education Sector Analysis in Burkina Faso, 1994-1998 by Ilboudo, E.K.; Compaoré, M.; Ouedraogo, B.; Somba, P.; Kaboré, O.; Ouedraogo, A.; Kinda, F.; Kanoré, B.
ADEA Working Group on Education Sector Analysis, 2001. ISBN: 92-9178-028-6.
Also exists in French.
This review, which is part of a ten-year plan for the development of basic education in Burkina Faso, looks at past education sector analyses, their quality, dissemination and use. In addition to providing historical, documentary and methodological information, this review serves as a platform for dialogue for educational professionals and researchers in the area of educational reform.

Review of Education Sector Analysis in Lesotho, 1978-1999 by E.M. Sebatane, D.P. Ambrose, M.K. Molise, A. Mothibeli, S. T. Motlomelo, H. J. Nenty, E.M. Nthunya and V. M. Ntoi.
ADEA Working Group on Education Sector Analysis, 2000. ISBN : 92-9178-022-7. Also exists in French.
This publication analyses the sector studies carried out in Lesotho between 1978 and 1999. 139 studies were identified and 80 of them were selected for in-depth analysis. The review team identifies important areas which it considers to have been inadequately addressed, and outlines strategies for future policy dialogue in the context of national educational development in Lesotho.

Review of Education Sector Analysis in Ghana, 1987-1998 by D.K. Agyeman, J.J.K. Baku, R. Gbadamosi assisted by E. Addabor, K. Adoo-Adeku, M. Cudjoe, A.A. Essuman, E.E.K. Gala and C. Pomary.
ADEA Working Group on Education Sector Analysis, 2000. ISBN: 92-9178-016-2. Also exists in French.
The objective of this review was to analyze the process of education sector analysis related to education sector studies undertaken in Ghana during 1987-1998. The research team identified 149 studies, of which 34 were analyzed in-depth. The analysis concentrates on initiation, methodology, content and recommendations of the studies, as well as on their link with policy-making and their dissemination.

Review of Education Sector Analysis in Zimbabwe, 1990-1996 by Cowden E.M. Chikombah, Boniface R.S. Chivore, Obert E. Maravanyika, Levi M. Nyagura and Isiah M. Sibanda.
ADEA Working Group on Education Sector Analysis, 1999. ISBN: 92-9178-008-1.
This national review sought to identify, present and critically discuss education sector studies in Zimbabwe from 1990 to 1996. Special attention was paid to: (I) the process of education sector analysis; (II) the relevance of the general themes and methods; and (III) the policy impact of the studies. The results and main findings of the pilot study are presented in this publication. Recommendations for future education sector work are also given.

Studies of Education in Ethiopia, 1994-1997 by Tilahun Workineh, Tirussew Teferra, Ayalew Shibesi, and Malcom Mercer.
ADEA Working Group on Education Sector Analysis, 1999. ISBN: 92-9178-0049. Also exists in French.
This publication is a report of a pilot study on the coordination of education sector analytical work in Ethiopia. The study was conducted with the European Union Horizon 2000 Initiative with technical assistance from the Working Group on Education Sector Analysis (WGESA). The objectives of the review were to assemble, summarize and provide a critical analysis of education studies and documents produced between 1994 and 1997. A large number of studies were undertaken by Ethiopians which indicates widespread national capacities in the field. According to the review team, information gathering, analysis and sharing needs to be improved in order to strengthen coordination among all parties in education sector analysis work.

Analyses, Agendas and Priorities for Education in Africa :A Review of Externally Initiated, Commissioned and Supported Studies of Education in Africa, 1990-1994 prepared by Joel Samoff with N'Dri Thérèse Assié-Lumumba in collaboration with Lucila Jallade, Marc Cohen and the Steering Committee of WGESA.
DAE Working Group on Education Sector Analysis, 1996. DAE Working Group on Education Sector Analysis, 1996.Also exists in French.
This document was developed to provide an overview of the state of education sector analysis in Africa. It provides an analytical overview of the studies, highlights the similarities and differences, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of 104 studies. It summarizes 237 sector/subsector studies undertaken by a wide range of national, international and multi-national institutions. A succinct description of the major focus, findings and recommendations of each report is provided.

After Apartheid, What ?A Review of Externally Initiated, Commissioned, and Supported Studies of Education in South Africa prepared by Joel Samoff.
DAE Working Group on Education Sector Analysis and UNESCO, 1994. Out of print.
Well before majority rule was achieved in South Africa, a wide range of external agencies had begun to conduct studies and offer advice on education in the country. The result has been an increasing flow of reports and studies on education, of differing purposes, scopes, lengths and approaches. This document provides an analysis of the different reports which were collected and reviewed up to 1994. It situates the studies in the perspective of South African education and policy, and highlights the major points of convergence and divergence among the studies. An overview of the sixty studies is provided in the form of an inventory which makes them accessible to a wider audience.

WGESA Meeting Reports
Seminar on Education Sector Analysis and SWAps (Windhoek, Namibia, November 21, 2002)