Reaching Out, Reaching All: Sustaining Effective Policy and Practice for Education in Africa, and Promising Educational Responses to HIV/AIDS.
Publié le Dimanche, 19 janvier 2014Last updated on Dimanche, 11 juin 2017
Papers from the ADEA Biennial Meeting (Arusha, Tanzania, October 7-11, 2001)
How can educational policies and practices that have proved effective be scaled up and sustained? This question, examined in depth by ADEA in 2000-2001, is reviewed in these pages, which bring together the major documents presented at ADEA's 2001 Biennial Meeting. Among the topics covered are: "Scaling up educational reforms"; "The role of communication for increasing participation by the stakeholders"; "Educational networks in Africa"; "Leading educational programs; the impact of HIV/AIDS on education"; and, "Identifying the most promising approaches for overcoming HIV/AIDS through education".